Why do Inquiry?
Because the skills of inquiry - questioning, investigating and analysing for a specific purpose - are empowering. Inquiry motivates children by allowing them to own their learning. It is when children are at the helm that they are engaged and more inclined to become life-long learners. The Inquiry philosophy recognises that children are wells to be drawn from and not cups to be filled.
This term we will start Genius Hour, an Inquiry that allows children the freedom to explore an area of interest that is not ‘Googleable’. It requires risk taking and allows children to explore their own passions, encourages creativity and provides a choice in what children learn.
During the holidays, I was fortunate to attend a seminar by Anthony Speranzagh who spoke about this type of enriched learning experience.
Today, Room 1 were introduced to the idea of Genius Hour and are looking forward to learning more during the week. We brainstormed on a Google Slide; 10 things they love to do and learn, 10 things they are good at and 10 things they wonder about. They have been encouraged to share this at home and hear what their parents/caregivers wonder about.
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