Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Collaborative Art displayed in the hall.

A real collaboration of our successes for 2017!!

Thank you to Mrs Harding for getting up the ladder to carefully display our work!!

Great job Room 1 😀

Monday, 11 December 2017


Wishing all of the awesome Room 1 and their whanau an amazing Christmas and well deserved Festive Season.

Love from the Teaching team,
Mrs Poole, Mrs Harding and Mrs Madden 

Friday, 8 December 2017

Christmas Assembly

Everyone is invited to come to our Senior School Christmas Assembly.

Year 5's will be celebrated for their 2017 learning here:

Date: Tuesday 12 December
Time: 9:15am
Where: school hall

See you there 😀

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puff pastry nutella Christmas trees

The fabulous Mrs Harding made these amazing creations- well done team!!!

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Collaborative Art project has started

Fantastic to hear the discussions and problem solving skills as they create their collaborative Art piece in groups of 5 students.

Creating our backgrounds for our 2017 Successes

Here room 1 is using two colours:
white and their favourite colour to create the background

4/4 - white paint for the inside
3/4 - white for the next layer
2/4 or 1/2 - white for the following layer
1/4 - white
0/4 - white or just their favourite colour.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Movie Details:

This movie is based on the book we are reading in class at the moment.  Ryan H's mother kindly shared the details if you are interested to see the movie with your family.

Collaborative Artwork

Lots of discussions here..

Collaborative Art work - some of our marbled paper drying.

Collaborative Art Project

Here we are learning how to make marbled paper using shaving cream.

Room 1 loved the feeling of the shaving cream and spent time playing with this. 

We had a few attempts and failures:  This was all part of the learning process and made for great discussions.
Out of our mistakes we created other textured paper to use for our project.

In the middle of this we had a fire drill - it was a very exciting day!

More photos to follow. 

Monday, 20 November 2017

Our school leaders:

Sharing how room 1 can be an angel 😇.

Please help us with bringing a small unused unwrapped item to School next week.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Our Maths Today

How Many Fingers?

What strategies did you use?

Are thumbs classified as thumbs?

Tuesday 14 November

Hi Room 1 students and whanau,

Thank you for a wonderful first day!

We were a small class as over half the class were involved in inter school athletics or Choir.

Mrs Harding and myself are excited to work with Room 1 for the next 5 weeks. I will be teaching on a Tuesday and Friday if you need anything please email me on

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Monday, 23 October 2017


On Tuesday we visited MOTAT, New Zealand's largest transport and technology museum.
We discovered how far things have come since settlers first came to New Zealand and explored the way technological development has transformed the way we live now, and will continue to impact our lives as we move towards the future.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Room 1 today

This is what Room 1 looks like today - Tuesday 26th September. 
11 of our classmates are either unwell or not attending school today so we are only a class of 18!